Knowing Where

Track and Trace with RFID in intralogistics

RFID makes production and logistics processes highly transparent, from incoming goods to production and warehousing right through to shipping – an ideal solution also for the efficient management of returnable transport items (RTIs).
Complex structures as well as considerable cost pressure present companies in the manufacturing industry and logistics with the same challenge: rapid decision making based on real-time information is becoming increasingly more important in order to stay competitive.

Digitalisation of
processes and supply chains

Today, RFID systems are the means of choice to generate decision-critical information. They bridge the gap between the physical world of production (operational technology, OT) and IT-based MES and ERP systems. By linking objects with the data of the IT systems, RFID systems generate the necessary transparency for lean processes and digitalized supply chains.
RFID handheld readers are ideal for reading tags on the move and in processes that cannot be easily automated with conveyor belt, gate or forklift readers
The aggregated information, such as times, locations, users, or processes completed, allow smart functions such as automated production and ordering processes, the identification of error sources or the accurate forecasting of potential bottlenecks. RFID information enables your systems and decision-makers to make the right choices.

Transparency from
incoming goods to shipping

The use of RFID technology ensures the efficient management of an RTI pool over the entire process chain of production. Returnable transport items (RTI), such as pallets, grid boxes or plastic boxes are the pack horses of many production and logistics chains. However, logistics systems are not transparent if the movements and positions of RTIs are not continuously recorded. This results in excessive costs due to the buildup of spares and buffer stocks as well as expensive shipping. An end-to-end tracking concept for RTIs improves transparency and control in load carrier management and thus creates added value in production logistics, which increases pool transparency and minimizes shrinkage and loss.
With end-to-end RFID solutions, movements and positions of all returnable containers can be continuously recorded and displayed
With end-to-end RFID solutions, movements and positions of all returnable containers can be continuously recorded and displayed
With UHF readers and displays on forklifts, there are no more blind spots even when transporting multiple containers in production or in the warehouse
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