New GPU Servers for Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a purely academic topic, but is already being used in many
practical ways, for example in face recognition, robotics, analytics, health care or smart city
applications. Scientific progress requires accelerating machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). With
the SHARK A.I. series, BRESSNER now has high performance GPU servers in their portfolio that have been
specifically developed for such requirements.

GPU server SHARK A.I. with eight PCIe x16 Gen3 GPU slots in 4U rackmount housing
"High-performance computer systems for accelerating GPUs are a critical factor for specific solutions that need
to optimize high performance computing (HPC) applications and remote virtualization," said Josef Bressner, CEO
of Bressner Technology GmbH.
Flexible framework for various AI applications
The GPU server SHARK A.I. is freely configurable as an edge platform and can significantly increase flexibility and agility in the cloud. The server supports multiple topologies and bandwidths. It offers the possibility to implement different head nodes and to freely choose the number of GPUs per virtual machine (VM).