Augmented Reality as Driver of the Automation Industry

Intelligent robotics are not everything

Automation processes in the industrial sector are becoming faster, more efficient, and more intelligent with the development of new technologies. But the things which add value to companies in this industry often present challenges for the internal employees who need to oversee, monitor, manage, develop, or repair these automated and fully optimized processes. With Augmented Reality (AR), workers can be effectively supported along the entire value chain to ensure the best possible human-machine collaboration, giving companies a clear competitive advantage.
Augmented Reality enables efficient design of automation applications in teams
In Europe and the US, there are now software companies, such as Holo-Light, which develop AR applications specifically designed for many industrial and automation companies.

AR can deliver benefits in areas from product development and employee training to servicing and repairing machines by reducing production costs and machine downtime, increasing employee learning and success rates, and creating optimal cooperation conditions – both among internal and external workers, as well as between human and machine.

Visualization tools
as a planning aid

At the beginning of countless industrial work processes, including in the field of automation, stands the development and planning of products. 3D CAD files, which provide the necessary insights for both design and basic production issues, are crucial tools in this process. However, the visualization of these file formats on two-dimensional screens limits the extent to which they can be used to create a useful overview of a project.
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