Not having to send out a service technician can mean savings of EUR 1,000 or more. However, remote
maintenance is not only important for analysing and correcting errors: It is also beneficial for setting up
and maintaining the plant, as well as for carrying out optimisation work.
Optimise the capacities
of specialists and reduce downtimes
New technologies, digitalisation and increased customer requirements lead to increasingly complex products.
In order to be able to produce these competitively in the globalised world market, production facilities,
buildings and even energy generation are becoming increasingly smart and networked. The mix of technologies
means that more people are involved in projects and are becoming increasingly specialised. This means that
employees' capacities are limited. During initial setup, a malfunction or optimisation work on the plant,
service employees must be present on site to cover their respective area of expertise. In the meantime,
often they are unable to work on other projects. The availability of the specialists as well as any
necessary journeys to the plant cost both time and money. This results in long downtimes, high costs and
dissatisfied customers.
Remote assist / remote access
gathering momentum
To meet the above challenges, companies are increasingly turning to remote access applications. Remote
access allows a company to access a computer or a network remotely via a network connection – on a worldwide
scale across national borders. This allows users to access the systems they need, even though they cannot
physically establish a direct connection.
In other words, users access systems remotely via a
telecommunications or internet connection. Time-consuming journeys are no longer necessary, malfunctions can
be rectified quickly and easily, which reduces downtimes, and plant optimisations can be carried out with
System essentials
In addition to the high security standards, the usability and flexibility of the remote access system are
also important. It should be possible to carry out the configuration easily and independently. Ideally, the
system offers a clear overview of the plant in the field and the connection is established with a single
mouse click. The remote access devices are connected simply by entering a code.