Networking and Security
Smart diagnostic tool
With u-link's firmware management, current firmware statuses are clearly displayed and a secure method is offered to update them automatically at an individually defined point in time. Thanks to u-link's connection dashboard, the user has a smart diagnostic tool at their disposal. In the event of an error due to a changed IP address, a pulled Ethernet cable, poor reception or a new firewall rule for example, the cause of the error can be quickly determined via the connection evaluation. Evaluations of the connections are an elementary component of a good solution.In addition to diagnostics, this also enables new business models through per-second-billing of service times to the customer.
The u-link remote maintenance tool is part of Weidmüller's comprehensive future-oriented and coordinated IoT-capable portfolio. This is the easy way to Industrial IoT – "from data to value". Whether for greenfield or brownfield applications, Weidmüller offers solutions as enablers for data acquisition, data preprocessing, data communication and data analysis. One thing is clear: Industrial IoT is not an end in itself. The added value is revealed in the specific application: whether in increasing energy efficiency or improving the planning of service technician interventions. Weidmüller designs Industrial IoT together with and for the user: simply and efficiently. ▪
Author: Silke Lödige,
trade press officer at Weidmüller

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